понедельник, 17 февраля 2020 г.


Having finally found a hotel, we looked for some place to have dinner. Reminder Don't forget that if you run into problems, just skip over it! I was sick yesterday, so I spent most of the day in bed. Do you know anyone who speaks French and Italian? We need your help to maintenance this website. seventeen17 il mio ricordo preferito

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Ho sentito della musica, di conseguenza deve esserci stato qualcuno a casa. She's used to living alone. In this case, we have replaced the noun with a gerund phrase. The police never found the money stolen in the robbery. All'incirca ogni sei mesi.

Ho abbastanza problemi di mio, senza che debba preoccuparmi dei tuoi. We've had wonderful weather this last month. Iil Kenya is a country in East Africa. I was sorry to hear that Boris lost his job.


Una donna vive nella casa accanto. We regret to inform you that we cannot offer you the job.

Ha bisogno di lavorare senza persone che la disturbino. And the opposite is true where we may only have one way to say something whereas a foreign language may have many.

We are a non-profit group that run this website to share documents. I don't like him, but he has a lot of problems.


I haven't been able to rest for even a minute all day. Then schedule that time to be your study time every day. From the creation of various linguists and polyglots headed by Michael Campbell, Glossika is a comprehensive and effective system that delivers speaking and listening training to fluency. EN Did you cut yourself shaving?

Aleksey aveva paura di dire ai suoi genitori cosa fosse successo. EN What's the name of that hotel you told me about? Chandra joined the company nine 9 years ago and became assistant manager after two 2 years. EN The students were each given a book. Non posso ancora prendere una decisione.

I'll be right back. If anyone has any questions, I'll be glad to answer them.

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Tu ed Enrico vivete uno vicino all'altro? EN Pietro had an argument with a neighbor of his. EN Did you read the whole book? Could I get a hand with these bags? It was a very boring place to live.

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I don't like dogs. I ladri sono entrati in casa rompendo prima la finestra e poi scavalcandola. EN I can't work here.

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Ho faticato molto per trovare un posto dove vivere.

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